Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Noise and people.

For the last 60ish hours I have been in London. While looking around this city, two things really caught my attention. People and noise. The deep choral sound of the big, red buses rumbling down the street. Street vendors making you think you are their perfect customer. Great, old buildings stretching high and wide. The high squeek of the brakes of the tube and buzz of people trying to talk over all the noise. The noise they create. Trying to communicate over the noise that they create by transportation, commution and colour. It creates a fantastic contrast to the peaceful countryside. But is noise a good thing? Is it like marmite, in the sense that you either love or hate it? Or maybe we just get on about it, and just whistle away through our lives, adding to the noise. Just pause for a moment and listen, Can you hear nothing, or do you hear something. Maybe hearing nothing is hearing something. Maybe a little to far, but worth considering all the while. We have a fantastic ability to interpret a subject in many different ways, so maybe we just need to accept it- noise will always be with us. We make noise in everything we do. Maybe the thunderous roar of a jumbo jet or the beautiful syphony from an orchestra. We create it all. More to come...

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